starts tomorrow and if you are like many writers who make the commitment to
write 50-thousand words in 30 days, you need to be getting ready. There are only a few hours left to put
everything into place, so if you still have things to do, here are some things
to consider.
1. Get
your plot prepared ahead of time. Whether you write by the seat of your pants
(like I do) or outline, you should have something ready to get you started
tomorrow morning. If you don’t already
have a plot outline in place, you can still get your writing done. You simply
need to be ready to stay one step of your writing for the next 30 days.
2. Don't start out cold. Before
you end each day, know where you will begin the following day. Have a couple of
scenes prepared to get your writing started every morning. If you hit a spot that where you can’t think
of the next scene, then write one you know you will need later. You can always
go back and fix it.
3. Have
your characters under control. If you haven’t prepared a character outline or
profile, then you need to work on it as you go. Think of the various events you
know will need to take place during your book and get an idea of how your
character should handle them. That should help you get ready to write the
scene. But don’t just write the scene.
4. Make
yourself a character profile sheet. Keep it handy and add to it or change it as
you go along and develop your character.
You don’t want the person doing something uncharacteristic halfway through your
5. Know
your ending. Even if you end up changing it, know in advance what youwant your ending to be so you can keep working in that direction.
Think in terms of a road map. You may not know how you are going from one
location to another but you need to know where you want to end up.
may be too late to completely plot your novel now, but if you keep working
ahead you can keep writing toward that 50-thousand word goal. Just think about
it, every day the goal will be a little less. If you hit your target tomorrow and the coming
days, by next week you’ll be down to only 38,000 words to go! Good luck!