Every year in January would be writers, beginning
writers and even published writers tell themselves this is the year they hit it
big and get all the writing done that they set out to publish. Year after year things don’t happen for the majority
of writers. They stare at the blank pages and then
do many to stick with their idea and keep writing and writing, and editing and
eventually get the project done. Will they turn it into a best seller? Well,
that is another question altogether. But
that elusive golden ring cannot be the automatic end result we expect or we
would never get started. We can keep it up there dangling above us and keep
reaching for it and that can make the journey all the more fun. Think of how
fulfilled you will be when you finally latch onto that golden ring and get a
good firm grip on it.
for the rest of us, we must keep battling away and reaching ever upward with
our writing, whether we are working on the first short story, the third book we’ve
written or the 8th novel in a series. There is no looking back so we must keep
moving forward in our writing journey. (well, there could be looking back. It
just won’t get you published any faster)
do we get started off every new year with a reach toward that golden ring? We
can either say we want it or we can do something about it and that means we
must start writing. What could make this year different? Well, let’s look at
some possibilities to get us started:
1, Commit to
writing or working on something writing related every day. Even if it isn’t
new words on your novel, make certain you are working in some way in that
direction of getting published. That can mean editing yesterday’s
pages, researching for tomorrow’s
writing or going through old projects to find the one you want work on
next. The biggest problem with this step and the reason I put it first is
because this is just a first step. You have to move beyond it. If you don’t,
you won’t ever get anything done.
2. Write
something new – new words, new thoughts, new ideas! That means moving
beyond that first step of research or digging out old things and then
writing something fresh. You need to write new material at every
opportunity so why not start every morning with some fresh writing,
whether it’s on an old manuscript or a new blog. Write something new everyday and engage your brain. Let it
know it’s going to have to find something new to write EVERY SINGLE DAY.
3. Pick up yesteday’s
pages and edit or re-write them if you can’t think of what you want to
write today. You may find something in there that will further the
direction you want your story to go. Or you might find something totally
different you want to try. If you want to try it, do that! Why not write
the pages and see if the plot idea or character idea will work.
4. Pick up the
story in a new place. Don’t just write the next scene. If you have made
plotting notes, go ahead and write something in a future chapter that you
know you want to use. Try the big fight scene or something that will be
totally fun to write. You know you’re going to use the scene, write it now
and have fun with it. You can always edit later.
5. Don’t be
afraid to experiment. Again, this might entail writing not the next scene,
but something further ahead or rewrite a scene you’ve already done but in
a different way and with a different outcome. Does it change the course of
your book? Perhaps, but it may make it better.
The main take away here
is to keep writing. Start out the new year with a fresh outlook on your writing
whether it’s just picking where you left off last year or you are starting
something new. Use the new year as a time to commit to finishing this book and
your other work.