For instance:
1. Try
journal writing. Many writers started
using and demonstrating their writing skills by keeping diaries or journals
when they were young. Do you still keep a journal? I don’t, but I have plenty of them when I was
young. However, off and on I find that it just feels good to sit down and write
down thoughts or ideas that only I will ever see. It is often good to go back
and look at those writings later because they can give you more perspective on
who you are now and how you might have coped with a problem in the past, some
little thing that you might have forgotten. The best thing about writing a
journal is that you can do it in any form, type it, write in long hand, and say
anything since you are the only one who will read it.
2. Try
writing a non-fiction story. I saw on
facebook recently that a published fiction author friend was going to write a
non fiction story about a well known historical figure. Her ideas was to learn all about that person
and write an article about the person. Eventually she would then write and publish
a fiction book based on that person. I thought that was a great idea. Writing
non fiction is a wonderful way to spur thinking creatively. I know that when I
was writing news stories every day, I was always thinking about my writing. It
was my job, I had to do it, and that carried over into my fiction work.
3. Write
a blog. This sort of combines those
first two ideas. Write a non-fiction story and a journal entry all in one – and
do it in a blog form. I have heard some fiction writers say this blogs can be a
waste of time because it takes time away from fiction. But just like I said
before about non-fiction can stimulate fiction writing, the same is true of
blogs. And when you wonder what you want to write about, well, go back to that
historical figure and look at yourself. You have lots of experiences and ideas
you can write about.
4. Write
an article for a local paper. Small neighborhood newspapers are always looking
for content and you could either volunteer to write a weekly column or do a
story and submit it. How can this help? Well, besides giving you a chance to
write about something other than your thoughts, it can also spur new story
ideas for future books. You might meet someone fascinating that you want to
base a character on, or you might find a profession you want to use for a story. And again, this doesn’t need to be a wasted
effort. Write a story on that police detective you interviewed as research for
your story. How about a story on glass sculpting or owning a business? Again,
this might be something you did as research, but find out more about the person
behind your research. Several years ago when I was working as a public
information officer for a city, one of my jobs was putting out the monthly
newsletter. Instead of just doing stories on whatever project the city manager
wanted me to feature, I started visiting all the city departments and doing
feature stories on the people there and on their jobs. It livened up the
newsletter and it also had some of those city employees appreciating their jobs
more. I remember visiting the public yard where they had they city signs and
fixed the police cars and everyone was excited to talk. They’d never had a
representative from the city manager’s office come to visit them, much less
give them space in the city newsletter.
It was great fun!
5. Write
what you see! Even if it isn’t a journal
of your thoughts, or an interview or a visit
to some special place, think about writing
something descriptive. Look around wherever you normally write and try writing
a description of your work area. Write about the sights and sounds of the
coffee shop where you’re working. Look around the restaurant where you're dining and get the picture in your head and go home and write about. Again, this may be work you don’t ever put
out anywhere, but it can help you next time you go to write a setting. If you
can describe what you’re seeing around you, you will have a better handle on
writing descriptions for your book of the picture in your head.
So just write! In any form. Keep it as long or short as you
want. But you might find that once you’ve warmed up with those other words, you’re
more than ready to dig back into your book.
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